Do mr handy's die in fallout shelter
Do mr handy's die in fallout shelter

do mr handy

Won the game easily or got to the last building the stupid coke that wasn't coke but labeled coke as in coke not COKE lol I thought it was going to be a COKE bottling factory but it was nothing but more food factory.lame way to get us to play to the end. I guess if you melee a lot Str might need another room for training but I always went weapons so never really cared about Str except for my electricians. One str, int, per is all you really need for the other stuff.

do mr handy

Two training rooms for each is plenty enough to get you where you want to be. Luck, AGI and Life points is what you want the most of. Once I discovered this method of play I never did anymore quests at all as they never yielded at much as the adventurers did on their long excursions in the desert. Now, some of them did die but you can rez them easily enough and still gain profit cause they keep all the stuff they've found and most of the money. Got lots of money by just watching my adventures or leaving them on the 24 hour period. I went days sometimes before checking my base and hadn't been attacked or anything. It's just a placement and collect game mostly that you can walk away from and if you never check your base you won't get attacked.

do mr handy

Never had to collect much but the emergency stuff I had below if I ran short on the levels they were on. Mostly Medical supplies and food and water and electricty on those two levels. there will be an option to revive if they die in the wasteland, or you click on their corpse if they die in the vault. handy's the whole game and they were able to do all the needed things done on two levels. Originally posted by Fablo: And how i repair mr handy you repair him the same way you revive a dead vault dweller. Originally posted by Ryuu:he's not THAT hand-y :squirtheh:ĭepends on the kind of HAND you want.

Do mr handy's die in fallout shelter